
Showing posts from August, 2023

Simple Way to attain Perfection

The significance of this particular verse is that Dhruva Mahārāja acted exactly according to the advice of his spiritual master, the great sage Nārada. Śrīla Viśvanātha Cakravartī also advises that if we want to be successful in our attempt to go back to Godhead, we must very seriously act according to the instruction of the spiritual master. That is the way of perfection. There need be no anxiety over attaining perfection because if one follows the instruction given by the spiritual master he is sure to attain perfection . Our only concern should be how to execute the order of the spiritual master. A spiritual master is expert in giving special instructions to each of his disciples, and if the disciple executes the order of the spiritual master, that is the way of his perfection. SB 4.8.71

Be cautious and careful by being conscious of our past

kva cāhaṁ kitavaḥ pāpo brahma-ghno nirapatrapaḥ kva ca nārāyaṇety etad bhagavan-nāma maṅgalam kva - where;ca - also;aham - I;kitavaḥ - a cheater;pāpaḥ - all sins personified;brahma-ghnaḥ - the killer of my brahminical culture;nirapatrapaḥ - shameless;kva - where;ca - also;nārāyaṇa - Nārāyaṇa;iti - thus;etat - this;bhagavat-nāma - the holy name of the Supreme Personality of Godhead;maṅgalam - all-auspicious. Ajāmila continued: I am a shameless cheater who has killed his brahminical culture. Indeed, I am sin personified. Where am I in comparison to the all-auspicious chanting of the holy name of Lord Nārāyaṇa? PURPORT Those engaged in broadcasting the holy name of Nārāyaṇa, Kṛṣṇa, through the Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement should always consider what our position was before we came and what it is now . We had fallen into abominable lives as meat-eaters, drunkards and woman hunters who performed all kinds of sinful activities , but now we have been given the opportunity to chant the Hare Kṛ...